Our Innovations

The Challenge
Generic interventions not suitable to address the unique needs of communities, organisations, and investors.
The CHABAHIVA Trust Solution
All interventions are designed to provide structured systems and processes specifically relevant to the needs of an NPO and their unique community.

The Challenge
For investors: measurable and effective SROI / impact investing / social capital
For NPOs: financial assistance, grant application, funding, fundraising
The CHABAHIVA Trust Solution
The CHABAHIVA Collaborative Network creates synergy between key players (government, business, civic organisation, service providers) to align needs, opportunities and resources towards effectively addressing HIV-related challenges in communities.

The Challenge
For NPOs: dependence on ad hoc donors and other single funding sources.
The CHABAHIVA Trust Solution
Advisory services to identify diverse income streams for NPOs that enable them to sustainably fight the HIV/Aids epidemic.

The Challenge
For investors: due diligence, reporting, monitoring and evaluation, compliance, SROI, governance
For NPOs: grant application, funding, donation, legitimacy
The CHABAHIVA Trust Solution
For investors, we provide peace of mind by ensuring responsible and transparent management of their social investments.
For our implementing partners, we provide guidance on fund utilisation to strengthen local response while adhering to investor requirements.